About me

I was born and raised in Northern (Superior) Wisconsin about 80 miles from the Canadian border; and, yes it gets very cold there! At the young age of 32 I began to feel called into ministry. One night at a church dinner, my wife Judy and I sat at a table next to our district superintendent. In the course of our conversation, he said that he had a small church that needed someone to supply the pulpit until he could appoint a new pastor. My pastor suggested that maybe I could do that. I agreed, and two Sundays later, my wife and I drove to that small rural church. Little did we know that I would fill the pulpit in that church for thirteen years!

I have now been in the ministry for 35 years after also serving churches in Virginia and Maryland. I am currently retired...well, sort of. In my retirement, I am now serving as part-time Pastor of First Evangelical Covenant Church in Superior Wi. I began writing books about seven years ago, and still enjoy speaking and teaching when I can.

I have a deep desire to help people grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word. My books are what I call a “Quest for Discipleship”. As I said, I am a published author and I have nineteen books which include my latest called "Tell Me, Show Me, Fill Me, Change Me"; "In It For Life"; “By His Hand”; “Show and Tell”; “The Promised Gift”; “Jars of Clay”; “The Kingdom of God”; “From the Pastor’s Desk”; “More From the Pastor’s Desk”; "T.E.A.M."; "Let Earth Receive Her King"; "Therefore" "Principles from Proverbs"; "God's Top ten"; "Prayer Changes Things", "5 R's of Revelation" and two "Renewed Faith" 90 day devotionals all by Life Ministries Publishing. My wife Judy passed away in 2021and I have since remarried to My wife Crystal.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Intentional Life 2 
Psalms 139:13-16 and  2 Peter 1:3-9

     I went to the dictionary to find the technical definition of the word intent. This is what I found:
INTENT = a determination to act in a certain way; a Resolve…
RESOVLE = fixation of purpose; Resoluteness….
RESOLUTENESS = firm determination marked by boldness and steadfastness.

    With these definitions, living an intentional life could be stated this way: An intentional life is one with purpose. The purpose is followed with a bold and steady determination until the desired outcome is realized. To make it easier to remember, I settled on this phrase: An intentional life has purpose, discipline and results. The emphasis being on results!
    Before we can jump into what I will simply define as the “eight areas of priorities” in life, we must first ask “Why is this an important issue”?  The answer to that is simple: It is really about each one of us taking control of our lives and determining our own happiness and well being, rather than allowing our lives to be controlled by other people, circumstances or forces. If we do not have an agenda for our lives, one will be provided for us—either by the events and circumstances of life itself, or by other people.
     To live intentionally means that we are taking control and determining how we will live our lives and spend our time, energy and resources. Without such a plan, you could say that just the opposite is true;  “An UN-intentional life neither seeks nor has purpose, is very undisciplined, and will yield little if any – and usually the wrong results!”
     I want a lay a foundation for intentional living by considering three facts;
( 1.) God has a purpose and plan for every life. And, that God’s plan includes all areas of life.  What I mean is this; we live compartmentalized lives. Each part being separate from the others…and yet at the same time being interconnected in the way that each affects the other…as they all affect our whole being…like interconnecting circles.
    I have taken the liberty of breaking them down to eight categories: We have our (a.) Home or Family life (b.) Spiritual life (c.) Work life or Career (d.) Our  Recreational life, (e.) Church life; (f.) Intellectual life; (g.) Financial life; and finally, (h.) Our Physical/Health and well being. But, one thing we need to know is that with God, there is no distinction between the differing areas of our lives. He’s concerned with all of it. He is concerned with the physical, mental and emotional well being in every area.
(2.) Not only does God have a plan for our lives but God has a will for our lives. Although they are closely related, I believe there is a slight difference. For instance, it was God’s will for me to become a minister of His Word …how and where His will is carried out in my life is His plan.
    God has a plan for every life, however, because God has given us free will, His will is not always accomplished in our lives. That’s because - Our wills determine whether or not God’s purpose is accomplished in our lives. There are people who never accept Jesus as their savior…(which is God’s will). There are Christians who remain spiritually immature (and never reach the potential of God’s plan for their lives.) There are people who waste their entire lives…despite our greatest efforts….and because of their free will.
(3.) God has an intended outcome—that man would enter into a loving relationship with HIM.  This plan started in the Garden of Eden but was frustrated when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command not to eat from one tree. Sin entered the world of mankind and ever since that time, God has worked to bring man back to himself; first with the Jewish people, then with the Gentiles. But it was Jesus who came to bring us back to God once and for all. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son; that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”. If this verse were the only Bible we had, it would be all we need!
    GOD HAS A PLAN, A WILL AND AN INTENDED OUTCOME. NOW THE QUESTION IS…What does all of this mean to you and me?

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