About me

I was born and raised in Northern (Superior) Wisconsin about 80 miles from the Canadian border; and, yes it gets very cold there! At the young age of 32 I began to feel called into ministry. One night at a church dinner, my wife Judy and I sat at a table next to our district superintendent. In the course of our conversation, he said that he had a small church that needed someone to supply the pulpit until he could appoint a new pastor. My pastor suggested that maybe I could do that. I agreed, and two Sundays later, my wife and I drove to that small rural church. Little did we know that I would fill the pulpit in that church for thirteen years!

I have now been in the ministry for 35 years after also serving churches in Virginia and Maryland. I am currently retired...well, sort of. In my retirement, I am now serving as part-time Pastor of First Evangelical Covenant Church in Superior Wi. I began writing books about seven years ago, and still enjoy speaking and teaching when I can.

I have a deep desire to help people grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word. My books are what I call a “Quest for Discipleship”. As I said, I am a published author and I have nineteen books which include my latest called "Tell Me, Show Me, Fill Me, Change Me"; "In It For Life"; “By His Hand”; “Show and Tell”; “The Promised Gift”; “Jars of Clay”; “The Kingdom of God”; “From the Pastor’s Desk”; “More From the Pastor’s Desk”; "T.E.A.M."; "Let Earth Receive Her King"; "Therefore" "Principles from Proverbs"; "God's Top ten"; "Prayer Changes Things", "5 R's of Revelation" and two "Renewed Faith" 90 day devotionals all by Life Ministries Publishing. My wife Judy passed away in 2021and I have since remarried to My wife Crystal.

Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope that you will also check my website at;

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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom;

    "Although God had no more prophets; although He did not speak; He was certainly present and in control of preparing the world and His covenant nation for the coming of Jesus who would teach and preach of the true kingdom of God that is “near you” and “in you” and is “to come!”
    The prophetic silence came to an end when John the Baptist appeared on the scene. Although John appears in the four Gospels of the New Testament, he was in fact the last of the Old Testament prophets. His death and the initiation of Jesus’ ministry marked the end of one era and the beginning of another. From this point forward the Kingdom of God would be preached and taught. Jesus came to reconnect us with the Father and his glorious Kingdom…the connecting link is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what connects us (the physical) with the Kingdom of God (spiritual). Jesus said that He was “the Way” “the door” “the gate” “no one comes to the Father except through me” he said. So you could put this all together and say that; You must be “born again” in order to “see” much less understand or “enter” the Kingdom of Heaven…When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit…the Holy Spirit is given to “convict; guide; teach; comfort; give understanding; give power to; and connect our spirit with God’s will and purpose for us. All of the Gospels help us to discover these facts! All of the Epistle letters of Paul help us to understand God’s expectations and how to live as “kingdom people”. The problem is that many people get stuck in the door! The purpose of both the Gospels and the Epistles are to prepare us for Revelation!"

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Daily book Quote from "The Kingdom"

Malachi  ( I’m going to give you most of this one…it’s that important!)

    It is nearly impossible to look at the Book of Malachi and not talk about tithing. But, what this book is really about is “attitude.” The question to be asked is; “What was the people’s attitude toward God?” The reason is because their attitude toward God would be reflected in their responsibilities toward the temple, or in today’s case; the church and toward one another. This in turn would either promote or hinder the development of the Kingdom of God. You could say that this is God’s way of leading us into the New Testament that would be all about the church and Kingdom people. So, let’s look at some verses to begin with and see what their attitude was;

Read - 1:6-8…  (Where is the honor?  Where is the respect?) To describe their attitude in a word I would say - “Contempt.”)

How did they show contempt?  What do blind, crippled, and diseased animals represent? What does God expect?

Read verse 13-14 They were thinking “What a burden.”  Should God accept their offering and bless them?  What do you think?  (One thing we need to remember is that we are talking about attitude.)

Read 2:1-9 …He turns his attention to the priests; (Who would he be talking to today?)

Another problem is found in verse 11 – this is the problem Ezra and Nehemiah had to deal with.

Also - 13-16…God hates divorce, but is divorce the unforgivable sin? (No)

Author Comment - In Matthew 5:31-32 Jesus said: “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. ‘But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.” So, define “marital unfaithfulness”… I believe it encompasses a lot of things. If one fails to uphold any part of the marriage vow, it is unfaithfulness. The first part of the vow is: “I take you ______ to be my wedded (wife or husband). I promise to love, honor…etc. Now if you go to 1st Corinthians 13 you can read about God’s definition of love…If you love someone you do not abuse them physically or verbally; you do not dishonor nor disrespect them. If you do, you have broken the first promise of the marriage covenant. To me it is marital unfaithfulness.

Jump to 3:14-15  “It is futile” - In other words, we do what we think is right, but there is no blessing; it seems things just get worse. Not only that but the rich get richer and the world calls them “blessed” and “prosperous” and even though they challenge God, they seem to escape …it’s an attitude of injustice.

 Go to 1:10  and  2:1-2  and  3:8-9  … ( “under a curse” )  I don’t know about you, but that bothers me!  I don’t like to think of being under a curse; especially by God!  Again, remember we are talking about attitudes.

Question; How many think that God is just kidding, raise your hand?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom"

    Now, about 12 years later, Nehemiah comes on the scene. Nehemiah is the one God uses to lead His people to rebuild the walls around the city. There are several principles we can learn from this book. Principles that are relevant to us even today. These principles may be applied to the church as well as to the individual. Lets read and discuss the lessons to be found in the way Nehemiah handled the situation;  recognizing also that these can be applied to just about any area of life including: finances; relationships; work; health; weight; church; and so on.

1.    Read 1:1-4…. Recognizing the problem.

2.    Read 1:5-7…. Confession

3.    Read 2:1-5…Vision (of the way things are and a desire to change it.)

4.    Read 2:10….. Opposition. (From several areas.)

5.    Read 2:11-16 … Preparation or Examination of what needs to be done.

6.    Read 2:17-19 … New Vision of how things could be, and calling upon others for help. 
      (Not everyone is on board!)

7.    Read 2:20 … Recognizing where the power and provision comes from. (This is not something we can do alone or something we can fake.)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Daily book quotes from "The Kingdom"

    Almost 80 years after the first group came back; Ezra leads a second group back to Jerusalem, and begins teaching the decrees and laws of God. The people were not free from sin, and they had fallen into the most grievous of them all - which had afflicted their forefathers - they married heathen women from surrounding nations.  Ezra then began a reformation movement which resulted in the complete separation of people from their foreign wives. This could not have been an easy task to separate and divorce themselves. They even made a list of those found guilty of this. (See Ezra 10:18-44)
Question; Even though God does not speak in the Book of Ezra, is He present?  Is He in control? 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom"

    The exile of Israel into Assyrian captivity and Judah into Babylonian captivity put a serious (70 yr.) hold on the development of God’s Kingdom Nation, but it did not end what God was doing nor did it bring an end to the kingdom nation. The key words of 2nd Chronicles are - “He carried into exile a remnant.”
    This was also the time of many of the prophets who not only pronounced judgment, but also hope. Hope in the coming Messiah, the promised deliverer, the coming king. Throughout the 70 year captivity, there remained a remnant that looked forward with anticipation to the time when God would once again restore His covenant people in the land He had given them. Through this group God prepared the way for the next step; the rebuilding of His Kingdom city Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple. It was also to be the transition of the Kingdom into the “church age.”

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kings and Chronicles -

    “There are a couple of things that these books bring out concerning the Kingdom of God. The first one, of course is the ongoing history of Israel. That is the history of Solomon’s reign; the history of the split of the nation, and why it happened; the history of Israel’s line of kings in both the Northern and Southern kingdoms. Overall, we get a lot of historical facts from these books.
    A second thing we get out of them is the obedience and/or disobedience to the Sinai covenant that the nation made with God, and how decisive this was for the kingdom’s destiny. (I think this may be a clue as to what the 1000 year reign is all about, and why Satan is loosed in the end “to deceive the nations.” (Revelation 20:8) Just a thought.
    Another prominent feature is the emphasis on prophecy and fulfillment. On at least eleven occasions a prophecy is recorded, and then later in the book is said to be fulfilled.  God sent a long line of prophets to call kings and people back to loyalty basically in the northern kingdom, but for the most part their warnings fell on deaf ears. Particular attention is given however to the ministries of Elijah and Elisha.
    But, for the most part, the reason for these books goes beyond historical to the true understanding of (why) these things happened in Israel’s history. Having the availability of the Word, we can see and know that God was again, working below the surface - in control - while things at the time seemed to be out of control.”


Monday, August 25, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom"

If the kingdom was to be God directed, with theocratic rule, then Samuel was God’s instrument for that purpose. This was all part of God’s original plan which would culminate with Jesus his Son ruling God’s Kingdom forever and ever! However, Israel wanted a human king to rule instead of God. They wanted to walk by sight and not by faith, but they had to learn that the wrong king is worse than no king at all. So God directs a series of events that brings Samuel and Saul together.
    Saul fails as king to follow God and it says in 1st Sam. 16:14 “the Spirit of Jehovah departed from Saul.”He did not lose his kingship, but he lost his power and ability to rule, and as such, Saul became a king who was just filling a position.
Question: Do you think this has anything at all to do with the 1000 year reign of Christ?
(I’m thinking along the line that many Christians seem to be just filling a role with no power.) On the other hand; “Well done, good and faithfulservant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things."

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom"

"Talk about hitting bottom, Solomon went from being God’s man full of wisdom, to having the Kingdom torn from his hands by God. And, the only reason God didn’t do it to Solomon directly was because of David. Not because of the good Solomon had done in the past, you see that didn’t matter. Solomon couldn’t say, “But God, I did this and I did this, I wrote three books of the Bible” - doesn’t that count? Those things didn’t really matter now, because a good start isn’t enough in the eyes of God.
Question; why did disaster strike in the life of Solomon and in the life of the Jewish nation? (Because they stopped walking in the ways of the Lord.) Any thoughts?
    And let’s not forget what God says one of the purposes of the Old Testament is, "these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come." (1st. Cor.10:11)
    Let me also ask; why has disaster struck our nation? Why is our debt getting bigger? Why is crime getting out of control? Why is morality at rock bottom? Why all the natural disasters? Why is aids and drugs claiming the lives of millions? Why are sinful lifestyles gaining an increasing acceptance? Why are so many hooked on drugs and alcohol? AND why are our young people violent, directionless, valueless and hopeless? I will answer my own question - Because our nation has left the God it once trusted in!
    You know it is so easy to sit back and judge our nation, to point our fingers and shake our heads and say to ourselves, "Man, I just don’t see why they don’t get it, how come they can’t see what is so obvious? But while we do that, there are many Christians who at one time accepted Christ, were immersed into His name, had their sins washed away and who laid a good foundation...they had a good start, but a good start isn’t enough in the eyes of God. A good start and past victories don’t make up for a lousy finish! By not voting or not speaking we are part of the problem."

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Daily book quote from "The Kingdom";
    Now, let’s look at Exodus 19:5 “and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Which means separated unto God) It is by means of this covenant that Israel is organized into a nation. But, not an ordinary nation like all the others, Israel was to be a theocracy, a kingdom ruled by God.
    The covenant here is presented as being voluntary. Israel can choose to enter into the covenant or not, and the means of entrance is obedience. This covenant is made after the exodus from Egypt which is a symbol or type of redemption. The covenant is one of voluntary or willing obedience which follows God’s redeeming work. Is there any symbolism here? What ought to follow God’s redeeming work through Jesus in us? Obedience. Once again, the key word here is – “willing.”

Friday, August 22, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Kingdom"

What is a Kingdom?
*It has a King or Lord who is sovereign over all his domain.
*Succession of Rulership follows a bloodline.
*There is a domain or territory.
*There is a constitution or royal covenant.
*There are citizens or a community of subjects.
*There are laws and acceptable principles.
*There are certain rights or privileges.
*There is a code of ethics or acceptable lifestyle expectations.
*There usually is an army to enforce and protect.
*There is a “commonwealth” or economic security.
*There is a “social culture” of those who are part of the kingdom.

How many of these things can you find in the Bible concerning the “Kingdom of God” and you and I as the church as part of that kingdom?
    "We have already seen that God is a covenant making God; the first was a “covenant of obedience” between God and Adam; the second was a “covenant of nature” between God and Noah; the third was a “covenant of grace” between God and Abraham; the fourth covenant is a combination of the first and third, in that it is a covenant of “willing obedience and grace” between Himself and the people of Israel. Key word being “willing.” God never forces himself on anyone. We must willingly come to Christ and enter the Kingdom of God."

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Kingdom"

"We already know that Jesus came teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God, but as we will see, this theme of God’s Kingdom is like a highway to direct our path through the entire Bible.  There are of course, many side roads that we could travel, but I want to try and stay on this one road - the - Kingdom of God - as we trace its development from Genesis to Revelation.  We are going to do that with the following outline;

                   * Genesis -                      The Beginnings of the Kingdom.
                   * Exodus-Numbers -       The Establishment of the Kingdom.
                   * Judges-Samuel -           The Development of the Kingdom.
                   * Kings-Chronicles -        The Decline of the Kingdom.
                   * Ezra-Malachi -              The Transition of the Kingdom.
                   * Matthew-Acts -             The New Teaching of the Kingdom.
                   * Romans-Jude -             The Expectations of Kingdom People.
                   * Revelation -                  The Coming of the Kingdom
                                                               for a Millennium and forever."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Kingdom"

    In the first two chapters of Genesis we have the story of creation. In these very first two chapters we find out two very important things that serve as the foundation for the entire Bible, the Kingdom of God, and for life itself.
    First, it clearly shows that God and God alone is the creator of the universe. Thirty four times we are told that God created; God saw; God said; God divided; God made; God called; God set; God blessed; and God gave. We also note that everything God created was just as He wanted it to be. God spoke the words “It was good” and after He “formed” man He said “it was very good.”
    Why is the doctrine of creation important?  It answers the question “Where did I come from?” And, it shows God to be sovereign over all that He has made; therefore having the right to rule and do as He wills.    

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Kingdom"

    From the time I first read this scripture there were two things that stood out to me. Jesus says that “no one can see” the Kingdom and then he says “no one may enter” the Kingdom…unless he is “born again.” Obviously both of these statements are true. To be born again is a prerequisite for both.
    We know that we must be born again according to John 3:3-18 and according to John 14:6 Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I always like to say “The truth is that Jesus is the only way to life.” So, the only way we can “enter” the Kingdom of God is through believing in Jesus Christ as the only Son of the Father.
    However, to “see” the Kingdom of God is a little more involved. The word“see” really has three dimensions or levels; the first of which is Knowledge which equals Information. The second is Understanding which equals Comprehension. The third level is Wisdom which equals Application.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

    While the Spirit sanctifies you, He also furnishes you with an array of skills, attitudes, and wisdom. The Spirit helps us deliver great content with excellent delivery, order, and organization. Only the Spirit of God is capable of making us adequate for all good works. Only the Holy Spirit empowers us to do even “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

(2 Corinthians 9:8 and Ephesians 3:20)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

    “In light of this, how important is it to the church for everyone to discover and develop his or her spiritual gift? Notice I put “discover” before “develop.”That’s because no one can decide what gift they would like to have, and then develop it. In other words, I can’t decide that I want to have the gift of teaching - God gives the gift, and we must first discover what it is.”
    “Let me just add this thought; our spiritual giftedness is not just something we are to do; it is also a part of who we are. The reason is because it is inclusive of our talents, experience, knowledge, skills, and passion. When you discover your Spiritual gift or gifts, it will involve these five areas of your life.”

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"
First Corinthians 12:1-31;
    “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”…
    “The key word in this passage is the word “different.” We all have different kinds of gifts, there are different ways to serve, and there are different workings of the same Spirit. What that means is that there are different ways to serve using the same gift in different ways or capacities.”…“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”
    "While it’s important to identify your gifts, it’s not enough. Gifts are given to be used. Like the human body, each part plays a critical role in the functioning of the body as a whole…especially the body of Christ."


Friday, August 15, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

    "When we have the Holy Spirit in us, we also have the fruit of the Spirit in us. It is our job to allow the Holy Spirit to develop and produce that fruit in our lives. It is the “fruit” that is the manifestation of the Spirit’s presence. Our gift helps define what we do; the fruit of the Spirit defines what we are. The “fruit of the Spirit” are character traits of the Holy Spirit. As I pointed have pointed out before; the fruit of the Spirit are like an orange, all of the characteristics listed as fruit are wrapped up in the rind of love, which holds it all together. That’s why it doesn’t say “fruits” plural. However, both the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit must be developed as we grow in Christ."

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

    "Something happened in this precious baptism of the Holy Spirit that turned the internal weakness of the early church into a powerful force!  It turned a pale profession of knowing Christ into a bold declaration of transformation and oneness. I believe there needs to be a reawakening to this outpouring of the Holy Spirit in God’s Church today!  I believe we need to ask for it, pray for it, and wait upon God until we get it! I’m not talking about a gift or a manifestation of the Spirit…I’m talking about a power in God’s church that changes and transforms lives!
    I’m talking about a power that can cleanse hearts and proclaim truth, and witness for Christ, and reflect his love, care, compassion and passion for the lost! I’m talking about a power that blows open the firedoors of God’s Church and fills the sails with a mighty rushing wind!!"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

    "It is a tragic mistake to think we can “do church” today without the direction and protection and edification power of the Holy Spirit. Even with everything we have today – planes, trains, and automobiles, and wireless phones to wifi internet…we are still not as powerful as the early church. What did the early church have at its disposal to spread the life giving word of the gospel? They had
Hands, Feet, Voice; & the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Maybe we need to take heed to God’s own Word when he says “Not by power, not by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord!” (Zachariah 4:6)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift"

"Although both gifts - the gift of salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit - are freely given by the grace of God, both must be accepted and received on our part. And, both involve submission on our part to be of any use to us.
    There are two words that we use to describe this process; to be in Christ is called “redemption” and to allow Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to work in us is called “sanctification.” To be in Christ makes us fit for heaven, but allowing the Holy Spirit control of our lives makes us fit for earth! Redemption and salvation changes our destination…but to be “turned on” by the power of the Holy Spirit changes our destiny!"

Monday, August 11, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift";
   “If you think about it, God has really given us three gifts for this life; One, He has given us the free gift of salvation that comes only in and through Jesus, His Son; Two, He has also given us the gift of the Holy Spirit that we have been looking at in the series; The Holy Spirit - to “convict us of guilt in regard to sin”…and “to guide us into all truth.” The third gift comes to us through the Holy Spirit, which is the “gifts” of the Spirit and the “fruit” of the Spirit. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit gives them and enables us and empowers us to use them for God’s glory.”
    “I can only say that Pentecost was a miraculous gift of God! It was a miraculous supernatural work of the Holy Spirit! And, it was a miraculous beginning for Christ’s church!  It’s not something to debate about, or fight over, or be divided over, it really isn’t an issue at all, but it is a message that needs to be told in every language to every person… Amen?”


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift";

    “The disciples were just ordinary men who were chosen for an extraordinary job! And, without the power, provision, and passion of the Holy Spirit, they - as well as every other preacher of the Gospel - would be nothing more than sinners telling other sinners to clean up their act! It was, and always will be the authority of God’s Word - delivered with the power of the Holy Spirit - that makes the difference.”

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift";

    "Without the death of Christ as a final sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary at Passover, we could never find complete forgiveness for our sin and the assurance of eternal life! Without the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, we would not have the power and the enablement we need to live the life to which we have been called to live until Jesus comes again at the Trumpet call of God!

    I want to close this teaching by telling you that that perhaps the most important thing I have spoken of is the “Feast of Trumpets.” It was a foreshadow, a symbol, of the return of Christ. And, like the Feast of Trumpets followed next in order after the Feast of weeks, so the coming of the Lord will be the next great event in the calendar of time since Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Just how near it is, no one knows. But, if we see the true significance of God’s Word today, we can understand the importance of assurance and peace.
    If you are reading this and you are still standing on the wilderness side of the Jordan, so to speak; if you are still wandering and wondering in this world; I urge you to take care of this matter of the soul without delay. For “in the twinkling of an eye” the scripture says, “the trumpet will sound” – and my friends – in light of God’s Word; prophecy; and what is going on in our world today…I believe the lips are on the trumpet!"

Friday, August 8, 2014

Daily book quote - from "The Promised Gift";

    “A disciple never stops wanting to learn. A disciple is always active and involved in the activities and ministries of the church. A disciple is always teaching and telling of “what he has seen and heard.” But, a disciple also is convinced of his faith; a disciple is empowered by the Holy Spirit; and a disciple experiences God daily in his life! 
    A disciple can’t help but tell all about what he has seen, and heard, and learned, in the hope that his friend and his neighbor and yes, even his family will come to know the assurance of heaven and the transforming power of Jesus Christ which saves them from the pits of Hell! “And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” said Jesus. (Acts 1:8) “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)
    I wonder how long ago it was when we stopped making disciples?  How long ago, and for what reason did those who were once disciples, cease being disciples? And, when did we become content just being believers waiting for Jesus to come back?” 


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Daily book quote from - "TEAM";

    "The leader usually has a vantage point. He can see the whole picture. He can see the forest and others see the trees. A leader sees the possibilities and expects problems; while others see the problems and are overwhelmed with the possibilities!  This is not my way of thinking, it is God’s way…and always has been. By God’s design, leaders are given clarity of vision and then are commissioned to help others catch the vision."
    "A leader must see God’s goals and act in God’s power! Spiritual leadership is not a matter of conquering territory; it’s a matter of positioning God’s people to receive what God has for them."

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Daily book quote - from "TEAM";

    "Think about this question: “Is Sunday morning worship the beginning of your week or the end?”  It’s not bad either way, if we are coming for the right reasons. It’s a good way to start our week in the sense that we get fed the Word. We get some things to think about and make some decisions about in our lives. We have a time of fellowship and worship, and we plan to “stop, look, and listen” for, and spend time with God, preparing for next Sunday. Or, maybe it’s the other way around and we have done all these same things and we come prepared to end our week with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving, as we worship the One who has been by our side all week. Or, maybe it’s just another day of the week…“Same old, same old.” Just a thought!" 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Daily book quote - from "TEAM";

    "You have heard me say before that I believe God has placed every church where it is for a reason and a specific purpose. Every church will have its own particular fellowship, culture, passion, purpose, and gifts. And, because of this, each one will have a very unique vision as well.
    Now, that does not mean that we can’t use styles and programs that have been successful in other churches; we may want to adapt them to fit our style and purpose. We need to always remember that while the gospel never changes, our culture does; and, in our ever changing culture, the church must find its “nitch” its “piece of the eternal puzzle” and adapt as well while keeping its purpose and vision on course."

Monday, August 4, 2014

Daily book quote - from "TEAM";

    "Most all major airlines require that their pilots spend time retraining and sharpening their skills twice a year. When asked why they do this they replied; "Because people's lives depend on how skilled we are." Tell me, should the church be any less concerned?  Do you believe that people’s lives depend on how skilled and willing we are to do God’s work?  And, we must do it together! There are no “Lone Rangers” in the church…it takes a TEAM.
    Churches grow by the power of God and the skilled effort of his people. We cannot do it without God...and He has chosen not to do it without us!  But, He wants us to do the best job we possibly can."

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Daily book quote - from "TEAM";
"The real key to church growth is the glue of the common bond of the love of Christ. It is through him and for him that we do all things!
    If the church was a football game; What quarter is it? What down is it? How many yards are there to go? Who’s got the ball? Are we on the offense or defense? Where have we come from? Where are we now? Where are we going?  Here’s the thing; the answer to all these questions will determine the play we call!  What is the real vision you have, and what are you doing to make it happen?"

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Daily book quote - from "TEAM"

    "Congregations have visions of grandeur of pastor superstar who is going to singlehandedly grow the church…and when he doesn’t fulfill their expectations, he’s “out a’ here!” On the other hand, there have also been pastors who take a church and think their only job is to preach, and they expect the congregation is going to do all the work! When they don’t fulfill his expectations, he’s “out a here!” This usually happens about every five years.
    However, I come from a church where my pastor started and served the church for forty years! The reason this church didn't fall into the "five year pattern" was that he and the church body understood God's concept of teamwork. While I personally have never served a church that long, I did have a team in my first church that worked together with God and grew from eight on our first Sunday to an average attendance between thirty and fifty. I taught these principles in my second church, and it grew from eighteen on our first Sunday to an average between fifty and sixty-five. I have always been a rural church pastor, but I say these things only because I believe in, and still have a passion for, “equipping God’s people!”
    “Nothing is impossible ‘with’ God.” Whether you are a pastor, a teacher, lay leader or a growing disciple, it is my prayer that you will work together “with God” as a TEAM for the glory of the Kingdom of God."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Daily book quote- from "Jars of Clay"
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not us. We are hard pressed on every side - but not crushed;  perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned;  struck down, but not destroyed”…Why not?  Why are we not crushed, or abandoned or destroyed by the things that happen in our life?  Here’s the whole point of all this; It is because the treasure is within us! The scripture says we “have” this treasure IN jars of clay!” We are clay pots to be sure, but God has made each and every one of us to hold within us the trinity of God himself! 
    All of mankind is formed out of the dust; we are all jars of clay; and as such, we face afflictions, perplexities, persecutions, and trauma. When we become Christians, we are not suddenly lifted above the circumstances of life…but, the difference is that now we hold the treasure of TRUE life, and we are able to see and understand Jeremiah’s vision of the Potter, the wheel, and the clay…“created to be like God; in true righteousness and holiness.”
    There are two forces working on your life right now, one seeks to deceive and destroy and fill us with dirt --- The other seeks to give us joy and peace and the abundant life, and fill us with His Spirit!  Jesus said “No one can serve both.”  And, that my friend is God’s truth! There is HOPE!”


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