But, my purpose was not to talk about eagles, but to teach about the significance of this verse of scripture.
Let’s start at the beginning; “They that wait upon the Lord”;
If you look at this verse closer, you will see the word “they” four times in print - and one time in magical disappearing ink that is only visible to left handed people with curly hair… It’s right before “shall renew their strength”…
1. THEY that wait upon the Lord;
2. THEY shall renew their strength;
3. THEY shall mount up with wings like eagles;
4. THEY shall run
5. THEY shall walk
a.Abraham and Sarah (for Isaac … well, kind of…)
b. Noah (for the flood - and subsiding waters)
c. Joseph (for his "time" in prison and his time in power.)
d. Jesus (for the "time to be fulfilled" by the father.)
e. Mary and Martha (for Jesus to arrive when Lazrus died.
f. the disciples (for the promised Holy Spirit)
g. all believers (awaiting his return)
This all, of course, begins with and involves prayer. Not just a simple prayer of “God, show me” but, the kind of prayer that is intimate, one to one, face to face, talking and listening prayer. Telling God exactly where you are at; what you are feeling; what you think your needs are; offering to accept His direction; and then listening with your “ears” your “eyes” and your “heart”…And then most of all, “waiting” upon God to answer. By the way, you can’t hear God if your mouth is moving all the time….
The third “they” is “They shall mount up with wings as eagles”. I call these the people who “soar”! … Let’s call them the young…or in some cases “the young at heart”! They seem to have all the energy in the world, and when they sense God’s direction, they take off…varoom!… and they don’t let their feet touch the ground. They pour all their energy, knowledge and might into what God calls them to do. But, even youth has it’s limits. If they learn what it means to “wait upon the Lord” He will keep them renewed…if not, they will soon “burn out”.
The fourth “they” we will call the “runners”. They may not have the time or the energy to soar, but they can run…And, God says that we can “run, and not be weary”. We may envy the vitality and energy of the younger folks, and we may be a bit slower, but we have learned that patience and a steady pace and consist-ency get the job done. When we need a rest, we just slow down a bit, but we keep running…because we can’t stop. Runners must complete the race, or they feel they have failed. And, if runners “wait upon the Lord”, He will constantly and consistently renew their strength.
Finally, the last “they” are the “walkers”… Let’s call them the “Elders”. They are God’s source, and our source of wisdom; knowledge; experience; and encouragement. No longer of any use? No, the Elders are the foundation; the pillars; the backbone of the church. Maybe the “walkers” are there to keep us from soaring too high, too fast, and getting out of control. Hopefully, they are not there to stifle or discourage God’s work, but sometimes when you run too fast, you can fall down and skin your knees! They are also there for those times when our wings get a little weakened, and our legs a little weary, and they come along side and whisper “They that wait upon the Lord….”
Let me close with this thought; There is a big difference between living an active life and living a purposeful life…. Activity without purpose is aimless and meaningless and can even be chaos… But, when those who “soar” and those who “run” and those who “walk” all come together in unity under God’s direction and leadership, there’s no telling what God could do!
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