When it comes to evangelism and witnessing, what is the goal? (Salvation) It’s not enough to just be nice and courteous and spend time with people, even with family, hoping that somehow our faith will “rub off”. It’s not enough to intellectually explain or debate the Bible, nor is it enough just to be bold and confront sin, we must look for ways to talk about Jesus and the gift of God’s grace, and invite a response. When we stand before the Lord, I would think we would rather be holding their hand than just wondering where they are?
Will they reject us or what we have to say? Maybe, but say it anyway! It may not be what they want to hear, but someone has got to tell them. When the Apostle Paul spoke, there were usually three reactions; 1. They were mad. 2. They were curious, and wanted to know more. 3. They were convinced, and made a decision. We will get the same three reactions from people.
Now, let me explain the three different conversational methods; first, there is the Direct method. Typically a question or a statement. Do you ever think about spiritual things? On a scale of 1-10 where is your relationship with God? You seem to have a lot of opinions about (church or spiritual matters) what translation of Bible do you like best?
Second is the Indirect method. This involves a transition from what’s being said or done into spiritual thinking. For instance: Situation where it is natural to comment on (nature) be it the weather, beautiful sights, or animals in the Zoo. Perhaps just sitting around talking about hobbies or talents and abilities. Or, your friend confides in you about a problem they are having.
Third is the Invitational method. It’s an opportunity to get to know them. Whenever there is something special going on you invite them to come or, you can (extend) the invitation by doing something before or after. Remember this is a “no strings attached” relationship. If they say; “We don’t want to attend_____ but, we will meet you after”… It’s still an opportunity to get to know them better.
These conversational methods can work with any style. However, if you feel like you have an ulterior motive, you do! But, what better motive could you have than to see your family, friends, and neighbors saved and transformed by the power of Jesus Christ! It’s called - “LOVE”
There was a little lesson we all learned as children when crossing the street. Do you remember what it was? “Stop, Look, and Listen.” The same applies to conversations with our family and friends.
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