“Rejoice and Think!”
For example, Paul says; “Rejoice in the Lord always” - note carefully the word “always.” That word is all inclusive. It means “at all times, in all things.” However, we also need to look at what it does not say; it does not say “rejoice always” as in “rejoice and be happy no matter what is going on”…that would be ludicrous and unrealistic! It’s the same as the scripture that says “in everything give thanks”…not - for everything, nor because of everything, not even inspite of everything, but IN everything.
What makes this a “principle” are the words “in the Lord”…This simply means that there are many things available to us because we are “in the Lord.” It does not mean we can ignore responsibility, or evade obvious issues, it means that we can be convinced of the power of the Lord to give us wisdom, grace, mercy, comfort, power, boldness, humility, whatever we need to deal with any circumstance.
So, the principle is that “no matter what may be going on in your life, you can still “rejoice in the Lord” and have an “inner peace that passes all understanding” because God is who He says He is, God can do what He says He can do, You are who God says you are, and through Christ, you are able!
Then Paul says; “Let your gentleness be to ALL men.” Now, in this principle I want to note two things; first is the word “all” men…One of the great doctrines of the Bible has to do with the “oneness” of the human race. All were created by God; All are to live before God or live godly lives according to His Word; All will one day answer to God; All were made in the image of God; All were affected by the fall of Adam; In this all have a fallen or fleshly nature and are spiritually dead; All are loved by God; All have a need of salvation; And Christ died for ALL mankind… Physically, biologically, socially, and spiritually, we are one.
The third thing we need to note is the word “gentleness”…Let’s put a blank there - Let your ___________ be known to all men - and you fill in the blank…( Kindness; Love; Compassion; Acceptance; Forbearance; You could fill that blank with the “fruit of the Spirit”) The principle is of course, we are to see all men - everyone - as someone for whom Christ died.
Then Paul says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. This is a “faith and trust” principle. Note the words “anything” and “everything”…What does that include? Whenever we get anxious or worry about anything and everything…What are we to do? What will God do? (1. Give us peace; 2. Guard our hearts and minds. )
Finally, Paul says; “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Another principle. Whatever we think about will affect how we feel, and in turn affect how we act! We have to think about this every day. Our thoughts control our emotions which control our actions. Want to change how you feel? Want to change how you act? Then change your thoughts! Change what you think about.
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